Running for International Office: All You Need to Do Is Try

December 5, 2024

By International Officer Monserrat Rivero Sanchez

Monserrat Rivero Sanchez is a student of Northeast Texas Community College in Texas. She is Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society’s International Vice President for Division II.

You miss 100% of the pitches you don’t swing at. Picture it: you are at Catalyst, and in front of 3,000 of your closest friends and supporters, you run to the stage after hearing your name called as an International Officer. The outgoing officer puts the medallion around your neck, and you’re so glad you took a leap of faith and walked up to the batter’s box because you just earned the highest position in Phi Theta Kappa that any community college student can aim for. So, if you can imagine it, what’s stopping you from making this a reality?

Running for International Office is a journey that allows you to experience incredible things. For me, it got me out of my comfort zone, gave me the confidence I didn’t know I needed, helped me make lifelong friends from all over the organization, and increased my ability to network, a skill that will come in handy as I begin my professional life.  Campaigning forced me to connect with people I may never have had the pleasure of getting to know, and I am forever grateful for the entire experience.

The same goes for my fellow candidates; we became a tight-knit unit and had so much fun cracking jokes, playing UNO, practicing speeches, or lifting each other up when we needed lifting. After all, we were only a small number of members who stepped up to the plate. As soon as you decide to run for International Office, these experiences – organizing and conducting an international campaign, putting together marketing materials, speaking to over 230,000 members and advisors virtually, etc. – can be added to your resume and scholarship applications because not everyone decides to swing.

One concern I’ve heard from peers about running has to do with the expense. Going to Catalyst could be a challenge if there aren’t many resources available at your community college. However, Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters understands those issues and covers all registration, travel, lodging, and meal expenses for International Officer semifinalists attending Catalyst. The support PTK HQ showed the candidates was heartwarming because it reiterated how committed they are to making this experience accessible to all.

Unfortunately, not every candidate can win, but if you think about the experience as a journey, then it’s not about winning at all. It’s about making connections, growing as a leader, networking, and becoming the best version of yourself. In fact, some of the candidates I ran with were offered different leadership positions after Catalyst, some earned scholarships because of this experience, and we were all able to say, “Hey, I can do anything because I did that.”

So, let’s go! Pick up that bat! Imagine hearing your name called; imagine leaping out of your seat; imagine me or one of my co-officers putting a medallion around your neck. I can assure you that running for International Office will be life changing, and – like me – you will grow so much and gain friendships and support from so many people.

Click this link to register for the Empower, Inspire, Lead: Your Guide to Running for International Office webinar taking place on December 12 at 4pm CT.

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