Posted on March 6th in REACH Blog

Be a Social Media Ambassador at PTK Catalyst

Do you live for social media? Plan to major in digital marketing? Then you should apply to be a Social Media Ambassador at PTK Catalyst 2018, April 19-21 in Kansas City, Missouri.

This is a great opportunity for you to gain real-world experience working with a professional marketing and social media team to promote a large-scale event to an international audience. Four PTK members will be selected.

Important: You must be registered for PTK Catalyst to apply. Ambassadors are responsible for their own convention registration, transportation, and meals.

Ambassadors will produce two to five posts each day of convention — with at least one per day being a video — for all of Phi Theta Kappa’s social media channels. They will be also be assigned specific events to cover and will work directly with PTK’s Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Kierra Thomas.

Social media ambassadors will receive a special badge identifying them as ambassadors. Upon successful completion of the ambassadorship, they will receive a free PTK Catalyst t-shirt.

The deadline to apply is Friday, March 16. On the application, you will be asked to share links to your personal social media accounts. Your accounts must be set to “public” so we can review them. Private accounts will not be considered.

You will also need to provide writing, photography, and video samples.

Applicants will be notified the week of April 2. A mandatory Ambassadors meeting will be held the week of April 9, and the ambassadorship runs from Wednesday, April 18, through Saturday, April 21.

Apply Now!

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