Leadership Development Studies

PTK Leadership Development

Escape the Ordinary

At Phi Theta Kappa, we take leadership development in a new direction – one that’s driven by The Humanities.

Our program uniquely harnesses the power of dialogue-based learning and applies it to a combination of classic cases, leadership profiles, TED Talks, podcasts, film studies and experiential exercises. The result is a unique, engaging, interdisciplinary approach that makes our curriculum accessible and relevant to all.

Through the study of great leaders portrayed in the humanities by writers, historians, TED Talk presenters, podcasters, and film-makers, students of our curriculum learn the passion, engagement, skill and philosophies of diverse leaders. The program facilitates the development of the student’s personal leadership philosophy through personal reflection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How many participants will be taking the course?
A. The courses are limited to 25 participants to ensure good pedagogy as we learn together.

Q. Who will teach the course?
A. The course is taught by Susan Edwards, Phi Theta Kappa’s Associate Vice President for Honors Programs and Undergraduate Research. In addition to creating the 6th edition of Leadership Development Studies, she was certified in 1995 and has certified participants to teach leadership development for the past seven years.

Q. How much does the course cost?
A. The cost for the virtual certification session is $500 per person for the course, which includes all sessions, full certification to teach the course, and access to all instructor resources when you do teach the course.

Q. Am I required to attend all sessions?
A. Yes. These sessions are interactive and require full participation. Attendees need to be present at all sessions to ensure certification to teach the course.

Q. How will course participants interact with the instructor and other course participants?
A. The virtual course sessions will take place via Zoom, with the full capability to utilize the breakout rooms feature. Each participant will work with a team to present a “Teach Back” during the course. The course instructor will send the Zoom links 24 hours before the start of the first session.

Q. Is any work required before the first session?
A. Yes. The course instructor will send assigned readings and videos to all participants once registration closes. To fully engage the program, participants should read the materials and watch assigned videos before the course’s first session.

Q. What should I do if I have more questions?
A. Contact us! We’ll be happy to help.

The Phi Theta Kappa Leadership Development Studies is designed to provide emerging and existing leaders the opportunity to explore the concept of leadership and to develop and improve their leadership skills. The course integrates readings from the humanities, experiential exercises, films, and contemporary readings on leadership.

The Phi Theta Kappa Leadership Development Studies is designed to enable students to:

  • Develop a fundamental understanding of leadership and the skills manifest in effective leaders.
  • Identify their personal leadership orientation and philosophy.
  • Demonstrate effective techniques and strategies for articulating a vision.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the steps involved in setting goals.
  • Demonstrate comprehension of the elements and processes involved in decision making.
  • Describe the link between effective time management and effective leadership.
  • Identify the elements of effective team building.
  • Discuss the roles of empowering and delegating as effective leadership skills.
  • Discuss the role of a leader in initiating change and helping others to adjust to change.
  • Describe the various types of conflict and discuss the role the leader can play in managing conflict.
  • Discuss the complexities inherent in ethical leadership.
  • Define and evaluate the servant-leader’s role in leadership.
  • Develop their personal leadership ability.

Recognized as Exemplary

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation recognized Phi Theta Kappa’s Leadership Development Studies curriculum as one of only eight Exemplary Leadership Development Programs in Higher Education.*

*Selection was based upon effectiveness, philosophy, sustainability, comprehensiveness and targeted training, development and support for program facilitators.

Curriculum Uses

  • An online course for Phi Theta Kappa members – the 6th edition of the course is open and free of charge to all Phi Theta Kappa members
  • In an existing credit course with leadership competencies
  • For an elective leadership course to meet humanities core curriculum or general education requirements for students in any degree program
  • To conduct retreats, workshops or seminars for student leaders
  • In college orientations and first-year programs
  • In community and continuing education workshops or seminars
  • As the basis of a leadership certificate program for business and industry 

Instructor Certification

Are you interested in offering PTK’s Leadership Development Studies curriculum as a credit course, a non-credit course, for orientations and First Year Experience programs, or in community and continuing education workshops or seminars? Learn More

Certification is a pre-requisite for anyone who desires to facilitate leadership development using the Phi Theta Kappa curriculum. Candidates for instructor certification include student affairs professionals, honors program directors and faculty, college faculty from all disciplines, Phi Theta Kappa advisors, college administrators, and leadership professionals.

SECOND SESSION ADDED: A second session of the 2024 LDS Certification Seminar has been added and will be held virtually August 14-16. Learn more and register today!

Please note: Members and new alumni (5 or fewer years) are not eligible to participate in the LDS certification session.

Instructors Experience Value

“Phi Theta Kappa’s Leadership Development Studies Curriculum is life-changing! It is a thoroughly-developed, exceptional curriculum.”

Dr. Mary Thornley
Trident Technical College, South Carolina

I have seen amazing results and transformative experiences for students. We are adding offerings of this course to meet student demands. This course is working WONDERFULLY on our campus!

Dr. Jennifer Lane
Honors Program Coordinator
English Faculty
Glendale Community College, Arizona

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