Research Edge

Research Edge


Want to enhance your research skills and, at the same time, master PTK’s undergraduate research project, Honors in Action (HIA)?  We have a course for you.

What will I learn?

Academic Investigation

  • Explain the purpose of Phi Theta Kappa’s Honors in Action program and the role academic research plays in an HIA project’s development
  • Plan and set research objectives for an HIA project
    Develop a research question to guide a chapter’s HIA project
  • Identify and utilize academic resources
  • Create awareness of the importance of seeking out multiple perspectives to augment understanding of a real-world, complex, interdisciplinary topic and improve decision making
  • Demonstrate analytical and critical thinking skills to draw research conclusions
  • Utilize formal APA citation format for academic sources
  • Connect intentional research to a real-world action that makes a difference in their local communities

Research to Action

  • Initiate real-world problem-solving by developing an in-depth, action-oriented solution to make a difference for a challenge that is directly related to their Honors Study Topic research conclusions
  • Plan and set goals for the service/action component of an HIA project
  • Develop capacities to lead, manage, and motivate self and others, to perform in complicated
    environments and accomplish goals
  • Collaborate and create effective teams to enhance project impact

Impact, Reflection, and Writing

  • Cultivate reflective skills and aptitudes to assess progress of an HIA project and adjust to circumstances
  • Measure short-term impact of an HIA project quantitatively and qualitatively
  • Evaluate possible long-term impact of an HIA project